silica dust collection system


Silica Dust Collection Vacuum

You’ll love this easy to move DUST KILLER to protect your workers and your clients from dangerous silica dust. This silica dust collection system can be used with other collection attachments.

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More about the Dust Killer

With a rugged frame and pneumatic tires, the Dust Killer can be rolled anywhere on your jobsite. At 33” wide, it fits through most doorways and gates. The Dust Killer is equipped with a 4”, 6”, and 8” takeoff. It will support a 20” table saw, 14” cutoff saw, and 4” grinder simultaneously. (We suggest capping the 4” takeoff when not in use for maximum performance.) OSHA has set performance standards in Table 1, including 25 cfm per inch of cutting grinding blade diameter. At 1900+ cfm, the Dust Killer easily exceeds that benchmark! Contrary to OSHA’s guideline, we suggest that 25 cfm per inch is insufficient for larger saws.

While we offer an attachment package with our dust collector to fit popular brands of cutoff saws, the Dust Killer may be paired with any properly designed dust collection attachment.

Why Silica Dust Control

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Are you Confused with the OSHA Silica Laws?

If you find the new OSHA silica dust control laws confusing, you’re not alone! When I began researching the laws, I found them very difficult to understand. But after hours and hours of research and study, I was able to combine that into an ICPI and NCMA approved training program which has been taught at various hardscape supply centers. And now I’m offering this Training Plan (without the CEU's) for FREE to people in our industry!! 

Learn More Register for the Free Training